Perspective section through mixed-use development, drawn by James Quick
Looking back through several years of work, and through different project typologies, a slight obsession with linework explorations is evident. We like lines, so it seems, and here are some of my favorites from the last 4 years or so.

Axonometric view of an office space, drawn by Emma Ross
Turns out that many of our projects get at least one less function albeit quite beautiful in depth exploration of its 3-dimensional form in a 2-dimensional representation.

Worms-eye view ceiling plan, drawn by Tom Heltzel
Whether through a section perspective for ground-up developments or axnometric views for interior spaces, at some point in a project, someone steps up and breaks apart a Rhino model into a snapshot comprised of linework, shapes, and color.

Section perspective, drawn by Ming Ming Lin

Axonometric drawing through the Mevaseret Music School, drawn by James Quick
We’ve rolled these out for ongoing projects and for unbuilt proposals a like, adding depth to a site under construction or a finished artifact illustrating our spatial intent for a growing archive of good yet unrealized ideas.

Section perspective, drawn by Emma Ross

Axonometric drawing or an office space, drawn by Ming Ming Lin

Axonometric drawing as part of a competition entry, drawn by Amy Shell