Collaboration with K&Co
Project Scope: Zoning Analysis, Feasibility Studies, Concept Design
Project Scope: Travis Bunt, Tom Heltzel, Krista Ninivaggi, Barak Pliskin, James Quick
This mixed-use high-rise in Flushing was developed over the course of two years, while working closely with the leading not-for-profit group in the community, who is both the owner of the site and one of the main tenants of the new building. With the goal of amplifying this non-profit’s mission within its community, and expanding its role in Flushing, the proposed building aims to drive a diverse group of constituents through the site while exposing them to the group’s mission and values. With ground and 2nd floor retail spaces, community activities on the 3rd and 4th floors, and commercial offices occupying the 5th through 9th floors, the building balances a community driven mission, and while responding to the needs of the Flushing real-estate market.

The community spaces in the building are comprised of three complementing elements. The first, a direct continuation of group’s work for this community, are offices and spaces dedicated to community outreach. These spaces are smaller in scale, and are a mixture of transparent and approachable conference areas, and private protected alcoves, affording a spatial diversity to match the diverse range of services provided. The second, a conference and event space, will provide the setting for group activities that would be diverse in nature, and would include workshops, lectures, networking events, and other public functions. Third, is an exhibition space and knowledge center that act as the lobby for both the outreach center and the conference center – exposing guests of both programs to the past and present achievements of the group within the flushing community.